I would like to add the Local Chapter of the Boy Scouts of America from Fort Wayne as another partner. I have had the opportunity meet with many Boy Scouts across the State of Indiana and this group along with the Boy Scouts from the Indianapolis area that help police our Pow Wow/gathering. From the Fort Wayne sector, I would like to Thank John and Steve for their leadership and it is men like you that give the Boy Scouts credibility because of your devotion and proper guidance for our younger generations. Thank You for not forgetting the Indiana Miami!
2016 event will take place February 13th from 9am-2pm. See events tab for directions. Special Thanks to Councilwoman Chasity Hobbs for organizing this years event and the Pimyotahmah Clan in supporting this event.
The Miami Nation of Indiana Drumming with the Boy Scouts of America, Fort Wayne.
Scouts and Tribe drumming to a song sang by the Scouts! Awesome Job Young Men!
Our Beautiful Miami Nation of Indiana Lady Dancers, Fort Wayne!
Joining Chief Buchanan are , Councilwoman, Chastity Hobbs and Isaac Marks teaching the Scouts about Miami Regalia and Culture! Thank You Kids! (Great Job Drumming Isaac!)